1. 四氧化三铁/生物质碳复合材料构筑与吸波性能,云南省科技厅面上项目,202001BB050055,2020/09-2023/08,主持
2. 多孔四氧化三铁/生物质碳复合材料构筑及其电磁损耗性能研究,云南省教育厅项目,2019J0002,2019/07-2021/06,主持
3. 基于学生创新实践能力提升的《材料制备技术实验》课程改革研究,yl7703永利官网教育教学改革项目,2019Y13,2019/06-2021/05,主持
4. 磁性铝铁复合材料的制备及其吸附除砷性能研究,云南省教育厅基金项目,KC1510524,2015/07-2017/06,主持
1. Lihong Wang, Hongtao Guan, Shunlin Su, Jianqiao Hu, Yude Wang⁎, Magnetic FeOX/biomass carbon composites with broadband microwave absorption properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 903: 163894.
2. Xu Zhang;Linfeng Su; Xulin Kong; Dian Ma; Yan Ran; Lihong Wang*; Yude Wang*, CeO2 nanoparticles modified by CuO nanoparticles for low-temperature CO oxidation with high catalytic activity,Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids,2020, 147:109651.
3. Lihong Wang; Hongtao Guan; Jianqiao Hu; Qiang Huang; Chengjun Dong; Wei Qian; Yude Wang*, Jute-based porous biomass carbon composited by Fe3O4 nanoparticles as an excellent microwave absorber, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 803: 1119–1126.
4. Lihong Wang; Hongtao Guan; Qiang Huang; Jianqiao Hu; Chenjun Dong; Yude Wang*, Fe3O4/Fe/C composites prepared by a facile thermal decomposition method and their application as microwave absorbers, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 784: 1123–1129.
5. Yan Ran, XiuXiu Cui, Tingrun Lai, Lijia Yao, Rongjun Zhao, Lihong Wang*; Yude Wang*, Sm-doped SnO2 nanoparticles synthesized via solvothermal method as a high-performance formaldehyde sensing material for gas sensors,Journal of materials science letters,2021, 32(7): 8249–8264.
6. Lihong Wang; Xinxin Xing; Nan Chen; Rongjun Zhao; Zidong Wang; Tong Zou; Zhezhe Wang; Yude Wang*, W-doped nanoporous TiO2 for high performances sensing material toward acetone gas, Journal of Nanostructures, 2020, 10: 148–156.
1. 参编《材料专业综合实验教程》,化学工业出版社,2020.07.
2. 参编《材料物理性能实验教程》,化学工业出版社,2017.11.
3. 参编《高等学校物理与材料类实验室安全手册》,化学工业出版社,2017.09.
4. 参编《材料物理与化学基础实验教程》,化学工业出版社,2015.09.
5. 参编《材料物理与化学制备实验教程》,化学工业出版社,2015.07.